The Surgeon General’s Workshop [on] Children With HIV Infection and Their Families
Depiction of magnified image of the AIDS virus within bold red word "AIDS" and the text "The Surgeon General’s Workshop / Children With HIV Infection and Their Families / Division of Maternal and Child Health / [Children's Hospital logo] / The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia / April 6-8, 1987 / United States Department of Health and Human Services / Public Health Service"; signed by Surgeon General C. Everett Koop
Un Caso Nuevo Cada Semana
Depiction of a Latino male with the text "A.I.D.S. / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome / (Síndrome de Deficiencia Adquirida del Sistema de Inmunidad) / ¡El panico has pasado. Pero, la realidad, no! / Un [crossed out, "5" added in pink ink] caso nuevo cada semana. / Para información confidencial o para una refencia llame al A.I.D.S. Hotline - / 732-AIDS / The A.I.D.S. Task Force is a Project of Philadelphia Community Health Alternatives PCHA".
Photograph of Uncles in Philadelphia's Gayborhood. Part of exhibition at 12th Street Cafe.
Photograph of Venture in Philadelphia's Gayborhood. Part of exhibiton at 12th Street Cafe.