One New Case Each Week
Depiction of an African American male with the text "A.I.D.S. / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome / The Panic Is Over... The Reality Is Not - / One [crossed out, "5" added in pink ink] New Case Each Week. / For confidential information or referral call The A.I.D.S. Hotline - / 732-AIDS / The A.I.D.S. Task Force is a Project of Philadelphia Community Health Alternatives PCHA"
Only Connect: A Performance Work by Amy Cohen About Intimacy in the Time of AIDS
Depiction of an illustration of two hooded individuals in black with spikey protrusions emanating from their bodies, and the text: "A performance work by Amy Cohen about intimacy in the time of AIDS. / Sunday, November 12, 1989, 6:30pm. Philadelphia Museum of Art / Tickets from $50. Information and reservations 215.981.3300. / 'Only Connect' / Presented by the Foundation for Public Performance to benefit ActionAIDS / Design: Laurence Manou /Printing: Franklintown Press / (c) 1989 Amy Cohen"; signed by the artist, "for Judith and Avi, with warm regards, Amy"
Only One Thing Should Come Between Us
Depiction of two shirtless African American men, one with his back to the viewer, one facing the viewer and with his arm over the other's shoulder, and holding a rolled condom in his hand, with the text: "Only One Things Should Come Between Us / Design: DeMartino Design, Photo: Craig DeMartino / [Unity logo] / Unity, Inc. / Philadelphia PA / 215.977.7562 / Kevin R. Westcott, Project Coordinator / Sponsored by the Department of Public Health, AIDS Activities Coordinating Office / Funded by the AIDS Community Education Project"
Only One Thing Should Come Between Us
Depiction of two African American men in white briefs, backs to one another, one holding an unrolled condom, with the text: "Only One Things Should Come Between Us / Design: DeMartino Design, Photo: Craig DeMartino / [Unity logo] / Unity, Inc. / Philadelphia PA / 215.977.7562 / Kevin R. Westcott, Project Coordinator / Sponsored by the Department of Public Health, AIDS Activities Coordinating Office / Funded by the AIDS Community Education Project"
Oral Sex, How Safe Is It?
Depiction of two naked Caucasian men situated as if engaged in oral sex, with the text "Oral Sex, How Safe Is It? / A Seminar for Men Only / Panelists: John Turner, M.D., John White, M.D., Ph.D., Kenneth George, Ph.D. / Free / Thursday evening / November 14, 1991 / 7:30 PM / Holiday-Inn Midtown / Terrace Ballroom / 1305-11 Walnut Street / Philadelphia / [logo for SafeGuards / Taking care of our own. / A project of the AIDS Library of Philadelphia / For More Information call 215-922-5120 / Photography: Joe Bowman / Art direction: Bill Whiting"
Orange Flower
Drawing of orange flower on blue copy paper. Second in a series of three.
Outfest 2003-2004
Photograph of donor and friends enjoying Outfest on 13th Street in Philadelphia.
Drawing of the word "Peace" written in red. First in a series of three.
Depiction of actors Tom Hanks and Denzil Washington, and the skyline of the city of Philadelphia, with the text "Tom Hanks, Denzil Washington / No one would take on his case… / Until one man was willing to take on the system. / From the director of 'Silence of the Lambs' / Philadelphia" followed by movie credits