Oral history interview of Jane Shull by Suzanne Lunday, Rosenbaum Oral History Project, William Way LGBT Community Center, September 23, 2009. Access to this oral history interview is restricted. Please consult the Archives for details.
Oral History Interview of Jane Shull, Part 2
William Way LGBT Community Center; Shull, Jane; ; Lunday, Suzanne
2009-09-23 00:00:00
videorecording; 0:17:10
Mini DV Tape
local: Ms. Coll. 60
Robert R. Rosenbaum Oral History Project collection
Philadelphia, PA; North America
Copyright restrictions may exist. It is the responsibility of the user to seek permission from the holder of the copyright to reproduce material from the John J. Wilcox, Jr. LGBT Archives of the William Way LGBT Community Center.