Tom Wilson, singer songwriter, performing with Gary Burns and Joseph Cioffi at the Gay Coffeehouse of Philadelphia, Gay Community Center of Philadelphia, December 29, 1979. Includes the following songs: Anything Goes / Cole Porter (with Burns) -- I’ll See You Again / Noel Coward (with Burns) -- Auld Lang Syne / Burns/traditional (instrumental) -- The Best Years of My Life -- I’ll Call You Lover -- Home of the Plastic Burger -- My Leviticus (wtih Cioffi) -- The Love that Dare Not Speak its Name (with Cioffi) -- First It’s a Dream -- Spruce Street. Pink Debbie (Paige Churchman, Steve Canale, Rob Yampolski) performs at the Gay Coffeehouse of Philadelphia, Gay Community Center of Philadelphia, December 29, 1979. Includes the following original songs: Tres Chic -- That’s All There Is -- My Mister Right -- C’est La Vie -- I’m Gay You Asshole, I’m Gay -- Jouney to a Star / Warren & Robin.