Pink Debbie (Paige Churchman, Steve Canale, Rob Yampolski), performing at the Gay Coffeehouse of Philadelphia, Gay Community Center of Philadelphia, December 29, 1979. Includes the following original songs: You Take the Cake -- Don’t Carry a Briefcase, Carry a Gun -- Don’t Call Me Sir. Tommi Avicolli Mecca, guitarist, & Breeze Cooper, vocalist, performing at the Gay Coffeehouse of Philadelphia, Gay Community Center of Philadelphia, December 29, 1979. Includes the following songs: When You Wish Upon a Star / Harline & Washington -- What I Did For Love / Groban -- Am I Blue? / Akst & Clarke -- Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas / Martin & Blane. Hank Baron performing the following original songs: Dandelion Hill -- Oh What a Thrill of Joy -- Home for the Holidays -- I’m Part of a Rainbow -- The Butch & the Sheep -- The Best I’ve Ever Found.